How We Are Different

Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Training Resources
Peter's Writings

For more information, please contact us at:

(210) 239-8818‬


Imagine A World Where...

Hope replaces despair: Struggling individuals facing homelessness, addiction, and mental health challenges find a path forward.
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Imagine A World Where...

Hope replaces despair:

Struggling individuals facing homelessness, addiction, and mental health challenges find a path forward.

Imagine A World Where...

Generations connect:

Young and old come together, sharing wisdom and building a powerful support system.

Imagine A World Where...

Healing happens collectively:

A safe and nurturing environment fosters a sense of belonging and a brighter future.

The Houses of Refuge Project makes this vision a reality.

What Sets Us Apart:

Unique intergenerational approach:

We bridge the gap between generations, fostering a powerful circle of support. We recognize that everyone’s story can be a teachable moment for someone else. We want those stories to be heard. We want those stories to be shared. We want those stories to be the teachable moments we know they can become.

What Sets Us Apart:

Holistic healing

We minister to the entire person, and to the entire community. Job placement, for example, means little if one lacks proper clothing or footwear, or the means to get to work. Substance abuse rehabilitation cannot succeed if there is not a pathway to transition those in recovery into a better environment. Neither can succeed if there is not emotional and spiritual support for people seeking to transition into a healthier, happier, more productive situation.

What Sets Us Apart:

Empowering communities

We equip communities with the tools they need to create lasting change. We work with businesses to create solutions that will work in part because they are a net benefit to the business as well as to the person in need. Recognizing that a rising tide truly lifts all ships, we seek to be that rising tide.

What Sets Us Apart:

No Silos

We do not seek to build out entire programs ourselves. Rather, we work with any and all agencies, nonprofits, ministries and resource centers to bring all of them to bear on the challenge at hand.

We Need Your Support

By supporting The Houses of Refuge Project, you're investing in hope, connection, and a future where everyone has a chance to thrive.